Snow Removal

Snow Removal Snow Removal

There can be nothing more frustrating that being snowed up in the house when the only thing on your mind is about getting to work on time. Snow removal can be an extremely daunting task during the winter months. Gravel driveways can be particularly challenging as care has to be taken to leave the gravel untouched when the snow is being removed. We at Phillips Landscape Group, offer the best and most effective residential snow removal services.

Different Methods

There are a variety of ways in which snow can be removed from a driveway and we use different methods depending on how thick the layer of snow is. We use shovels, snowplows or snowblowers. Shoveling is a very labor-intensive method but it’s generally effective in clearing snow from walkways and short driveways. Snowblowers & snowplows are specifically designed to remove larger amounts of snow in an efficient manner. Every one of the techniques we use are tried and tested.

Safety and Efficiency

Snow Removal

We provide professional and reliable snow removal services that are aimed at making your life easier and safer. We clear walkways, sidew

alks, driveways, parking lots, lawns, patios and decks and provide excellent value for money. No matter how big or small your need, we are here to help. Not only is shoveling snow a labor intensive task, it can also be very time consuming. We offer the best snow plowing services and will provide you with a suitable solution. Our team is highly skilled at snow removal and can handle any intensity of snow storm. We are available right through the winter and provide prompt and reliable services.

Once you contact us, our snow removal team will promptly check the location and make note of all the obstacles or any other areas that require special attention. We are very particular about safety and leave nothing to chance. We do not just come in with plowers and shovels and clear the space without any planning. Just as we focus on clearing the snow, we also have to take care not to damage your property and avoid all hazards. Snow removal is not a job for a novice.

Strong Reputation

Snow Removal

We have 20 years of experience in this space and this gives us a solid foundation in terms of the methods we adopt. We also use only the best products and offer exemplary customer service. All the materials we use for salting are safe for the plants, your pets and for the environment too. We do not back up or bow down even in the toughest weather and handle individual residence, apartments, complexes or commercial snow removal jobs.

Having a good company handle your snow removal work is about peace of mind. Your property does not get damaged, there is no contamination with any hazardous materials and the area gets cleared of all the snow and ice within no time at all. For timely and effective snow removal, contact Phillips Landscape Group on 301-368-3636. We can also be reached via email or regular mail at PO Box 5100, Laytonville MD 20882 and serve the Montgomery and Frederick Counties.